How To Rank on The First Page of Google – Even If You Are a Newbie | Investinpak

how to rank on the first page of google

According to a recent survey, most of the people opt for the services that appear on the first page of Google search engine. As good as 75% of the people will not prefer to scroll to the second page. Which means you will have to rank on the first page of Google to stay alive in the industry. It will be a wastage of time and money as you will not be able to get traffic and clicks that you need for your website and your business. You can’t grow your business if you don’t have the power to drive inbound traffic.

By using the latest SEO techniques and proven methods you can get ranked on the first page of Google. Until now there are unlimited organizations that are taking advantage of top industry keywords. There are many bloggers too, who are trying to get ranked for those specific short keywords having huge traffic.

Now I will tell you about the solution to this problem so that you will be able to rank on the first page of Google. First of all, you must be sure that it’s not possible to rank on the top page of Google anytime soon. White hat SEO takes time and you will have to show patience. The best trick to rank your website on top of the Google page is to search for the best target keywords. You can do this by following some rules I have explained below.

  • Focus on Long-Tail Keywords

    how to rank on the first page of google
    The science of long tail keywords

Long-Tail Keywords are very important for organic search results. Long Tail Keywords results in a high conversion value, you can get more traffic and can generate more audience. Long-Tail searches are based on very specific information as compared to short-tail that are more general. To understand the long tail keywords, take a look at the following example.

Short Keyword: “Google rank”
Long tail Keyword: “How to rank on the first page of Google”

These long tail keywords should be targeted for ranking as it can save time and cost. The biggest selling company Amazon also uses Long-Term Keywords for their sales. They make up 51% of their income by targeting the long tail keywords. Amazing, right? Using popular keywords are also very important for your conversion rate. If there are 50000 visitors a month from popular keyword but no one is converting then it’s not a good ratio.

Also Read:  Top SEO Experts in Islamabad


  • Write Regular Blog Post, More than your competitors do

    how to rank on the first page of google

Always focus on using two or three keywords per post which means write as much content as possible, this way you can get better ranking on Google. You can bring more traffic to your site by writing more content, which will help to index more pages.

You must be able to write 16+ posts every month as compared to your competitors. By writing less, you will not be able to outrank your competitors. Instead of writing 500-word blog post, you should write 2000 word blog posts to rank on the first page of Google. The content you write should contain step by step instructions, images and examples. You also need to produce valuable unique content and also optimize your content to generate the highest Click Through Rate (CTR).

  • Get featured in Round-Ups

Don’t waste money on PPC ads to rank higher. With some effort, you can still be able to get your name featured on top, without wasting time and money for creating long-term form guides. You can save your time and cost if you are able to get featured in round-up posts instead of using organic ranking or ad words.

By using roundup-style posts you will be able to rank better and get tons of traffic in return. You will only be able to get traffic for your posts if you are featured on all comparison posts that are already ranked on the top page.



It’s nearly impossible if you’re just starting out to rank on the first page of Google. Only those industry leaders are successful who are producing content based on the best keywords and SERPS. Don’t expect to rank on the first page of Google when you are new. Because competition is already very tough, thousands of links and countless shares have been accumulated.

Many businesses have their brands well established and their authority is too high, but along with that you still need organic traffic to thrive and to keep growing your business. Always research and produce content for long tail keywords, might be at the start the traffic volume will be less but it will be improved.

Umer Atiq
IT Consultant and business analyst. Keeps an interest in the affair that impact business or society.