How to Start Getting Orders on Fiverr as a Beginner – Ultimate Guide

How to start getting orders on Fiverr as a beginner

Fiverr is a very effective marketplace to start your career in freelancing. A number of skilled graduates tend to start working on the platform hoping for great results. Once your GIGs are ranked, you start getting orders. Easy, right? The most asked question at this point is, how to get orders on Fiverr as a beginner? Thousands of users signup on the platform every day, creating a highly saturated market. Which means, succeeding as a new seller would take a lot more than just creating the GIGs and waiting for the orders to start poring in.

Getting Orders on Fiverr as a Beginner – In a Nut Shell

You will find a lot of articles on the web about this topic, however, I am writing this one after ensuring that it works. I have helped a number of new users to kick start their career by enabling them to follow these vital steps.

  • Create optimized GIGs having long tail keywords
  • Use your real voice and video as GIG cover
  • Add promising portfolio to your GIG images
  • Write effective description
  • Stay online, on laptop and via mobile app
  • Use the ‘Buyer Requests’ section effectively

Now into the details

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1- Creating the right GIGs on Fiverr with the right KEYWORDS

This is very important. Your GIG is the first thing a client will see on Fiverr’s search engine. It is your store front. To start getting orders on Fiverr as a beginner, your GIG has to be

  • Attractive and appealing
  • Very professional in terms of display
  • Very clear on the idea of what it provides
  • Welcoming for the clients
  • Competitive in prices, yet not so cheap

Use the common offline business strategy here. You tend to buy stuff from the stores that have an attractive entrance, an appealing display of the products and a welcoming staff. Your GIG has to have these ingredients for the clients to make them press either the ORDER button, or the MESSAGE ME button. It has to have very clear description of WHAT you provide and HOW are you a very suitable candidate for the job. If you can answer these questions as clearly as possible, you have a very high chance of converting visitors into clients.

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Let’s get you an example here, if you are an SEO analyst, you probably have a GIG that says ‘I will be your SEO professional’ OR ‘I will provide you GREAT SEO services’. These are not the gigs that will rank anymore. Hundreds of thousands of similar ones are already there on the marketplace. Try writing ‘I will get you more sales by ensuring TOP SEO strategies’ OR ‘I will rank your website in 40 days‘.

Give your client a hope and a purpose. The keyword of getting ranked in 40 days will definitely make them think. They are likely to click on the GIG to read more about it. Once they do, you need to make sure that the description has a very clear layout plan of how you are going to make sure of it. Never promise things that you can’t deliver. If you ensure these small yet effective things, you will start getting orders on Fiverr as a beginner. Fingers crossed.

2- Promote your GIG on Fiverr – NOT For Beginners

A latest feature on Fiverr is that you can now pay to get ranked. There is a Cost Per Click when someone clicks on yor promoted GIG. Most articles on the web are listing this strategy for the beginners and trying to get more people to write comments. I will be honest here, this feature is not for the new sellers. Fiverr selects your best performing GIGs on its own and then give you an option to rank it using the CPC method. You pay every time a client clicks on your GIG and Fiverr ensures that it appears on top when similar services are searched on the platform. This will not be your strategy to start getting orders on Fiverr as a beginner.

3- User ‘Buyer Requests’ Section Effectively to Start Getting Orders on Fiverr as a Beginner

The buyer requests section is usually ignore by the new sellers. They focus on the GIGs and wait for the orders to start poring in. This is not usually the case for new sellers. The buyer requests section is where clients post jobs and you can place bids. If your bids are clear, effective and targeted to the client’s requirements, you are highly likely to get a response. I have personally used this section regularly to get great clients who are working with me for years now. You just need to make sure of these things when placing a bid

  • As a new seller, you will see very few buyer requests. Just keep refreshing this page after every 2 hours
  • Create more relevant GIGs to see more buyer requests
  • Read the requests carefully, then address the problem along with your solution when placing a bid
  • Do not commit what you can not deliver

I could go on, however, I feel that these are the most important points you need to know to start getting orders on Fiverr as a beginner. It is a tried and tested strategy that many of my students have used effectively.

If you have questions, you are welcome to ask.


Umer Atiq
IT Consultant and business analyst. Keeps an interest in the affair that impact business or society.