World’s Largest Coronavirus Quarantine Facility In Sindh

World's Largest Coronavirus Quarantine Facility


  • World’s largest Coronavirus quarantine facility in Sindh, Sukkur has been established in Labor Colony
  • World’s largest Coronavirus quarantine facility in Sindh, Sukkur consists of 1024 apartments
  • The Apartments can accommodate 2,048 patients


Sukkur’s Labour Colony has been converted into a Mass isolation center by the government of Sindh.

The Coronavirus pandemic which emerged from the city Wuhan, China has stretched to over 180 countries.

As of March 19, Coronavirus has effected 221,891 people that are reported globally and more than 8,999 people have laid down their lives fighting Coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic.

The novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that emerged in the city Wuhan, China last year is a product of natural evolution, according to the findings published in the journal Nature Medicine.

The coronavirus COVID-19 is rapidly spreading and day by day the number of people affected by this virus is multiplying immensely. Thus creating a shortage of testing kits and isolation facilities.

The unprecedented situation that has aroused as a result of the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak has made researchers and scientists scramble their minds and leave no stone unturned but still, no remedy has been found yet. The world’s largest Coronavirus quarantine facility has been established in Pakistan.

In such circumstances, the government is trying its best to contain the epidemic. Researchers are striving to find a remedy to this incurable ailment that is rooted globally. The World’s largest Isolation Facility in Sindh, Sukkur has been established.

In this time of need as the grips of this epidemic are getting stronger and stronger the establishment of isolation centers is a need of the hour.

In this regard, the Sindh government has taken extreme steps to stop the spread of this contagious disease. Establishment of Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic emergency care and cure center with isolation wards is the first foremost important step taken by the government of Sindh.

The provincial health department spokesperson told the media that health desks have been set up at Karachi Airport for the screening of all passengers.

World’s largest coronavirus quarantine facility in Sindh, Sukkur in the labor colony has a lot of apartments but currently, 1,024 apartments are set up with all the necessities to accommodate coronavirus COVID-19 patients. Each apartment has two rooms so at the moment 2,048 patients can be accommodated in these isolated rooms.

The government of Sindh doesn’t seem to have lost the plot amidst the grip of this unprecedented situation of coronavirus COVID -19 outbreak. All the necessary measures are taken in order to avert coronavirus COVID-19 calamity.

Pakistan has made a mark by controlling this pandemic right from the beginning. The World Health Organization (WHO) has ranked Pakistan as the best fighter against Coronavirus COVID-19 in the world. The credit goes to the government of Pakistan and especially the provincial Sindh government as they took all the necessary measures in a timely manner.

The government of Sindh is handling this calamity by making the right moves in the right direction under the commendable supervision of Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah. Right from the initial stages of coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.

The people arriving in the Baluchistan Taftan border are also being moved to the world’s largest coronavirus quarantine facility in Sindh, Sukkur.

The Number of people arriving from Iran, one of the worst-hit countries with the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak is increasing in hundreds day by day. Sindh government has made sure to host all these people.

The Sindh government is stretching its arms wide and has made the world’s largest isolation center with more than 2000 beds. Even larger than the one China created in 10 days consisting of 1000 beds which were the biggest care and cure emergency facility.

The other three provinces should follow the footsteps of the government of Sindh to battle the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak and try to follow footsteps od the Sindh government and establish the world’s largest Coronavirus quarantine facility.

At the moment it seems that the province of Baluchistan is the worst-hit area of Pakistan right now where the suspected number of affected people is more than the official count. The facilities are also downright poor and the pilgrims from Iran are entering the border without any check and balance.

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Umer Atiq
IT Consultant and business analyst. Keeps an interest in the affair that impact business or society.