How to Start a Business in Pakistan in 10 thousand rupees – Idea 1 | Investinpak

how to start your own business in 10 thousand rupees

If you don’t know how to start a business in Pakistan in 10 thousand rupees that actually generate great revenues, you must read this article.  Are you unemployed or unable to manage your expenses with your salary? Or you are not getting any response from the hundreds of applications you are sending to the potential employers? Well, that’s a difficult time when you have been waiting but you haven’t been receiving a positive response. It is extremely hard to find a suited job because there are fewer jobs and more people are looking to fill those jobs.

Read Full List: Business Ideas in Pakistan 2021: Complete Roadmap

This article is a series of articles that we will bring for our esteemed readers. We will show you the top and the most practical businesses that you can start in 10 thousand rupees or less.

If you can relate, then I have an idea for you. This idea can enable you to earn about 30,000 to 40,000 a month while working at home. Isn’t it great? Let me tell you how. You are really going to love it if you are a female. Because, instead of stepping out for work, you can work at home and earn a handsome amount of money. My plan will help you build your business with relatively lower investment and a handy ROI (Return of Investment).

Well, if you are still reading this article, I presume that you are really interested in having your own business and making some money. Who isn’t interested in making money? Just saying. Guys, let’s end the suspense, the business I am going to explain to you is the “Homemade Food Delivery” model. You might already have read about it, or have seen someone, or have heard about it. However, I am actually going to tell you how to do it, how to take it to the next step, and the most important thing that I am going to tell you is “How to do it”

Now let’s move to the plan
As it’s a homemade food delivery plan .only two important things should be in your knowledge. By doing these two steps you will have an idea of “how profitable this business is and how much you could earn from this” if you love to cooking.

  1. prepare food at home.
  2. deliver food.

let’s go deep into the details and let me tell you how exactly you can convert this idea into a profitable business

Preparing food

Everybody loves clean homemade food. If you have run a kitchen before, you would know that, in certain cases, some food items cost way more at home than they do in the hotels. This happens when we cook a lesser amount of food at home and buy ingredients with the highest quality. If you are intending to start this business, you must know which the food items that you can easily cook are. You must also keep in mind the ingredients and the tools required to cook those items. For example, do you have the kitchen accessories to cook a fine piece of pizza? If not, forget about it. Do not include items that you don’t have professional kitchen accessories for.

The food you are going to cook should be healthy fresh and hygienic. You can use the available ingredients from the market, however, you should put efforts into buying and using the items that do not violate the community guidelines. Consider cooking it for yourself, you will know the best ways to go.

Make sure you buy ingredients from a market that offers competitive rates. Do not be too generous. You can maintain high quality and hygiene at lower costs too. The presentation is your key to satisfying your customers. Get ideas from the internet. Buy some stuff from the market that can enhance your packing. Make sure you do not invest in it beyond your profits. You will learn the tricks when you run this business for at least a few months or a few weeks if you are a quick learner.

Delivering food

According to homemade food delivery plan. Delivering food is essential for this plan.
For delivering a meal you must need somebody who will deliver your prepared food to the customer.there is three option that you can follow which one of them suits you go with it.

Family support

We all know how our family helps us out in many ways. For example, facilitating us in achieving our goals. Similarly, if there is anybody within your family who can facilitate you in delivering the food you are preparing. You are most likely to get the first advantage of getting a trustworthy delivery guy. Because you don’t have to promise strict financial gains in this case. So, get someone from the family should be your first priority.

Hire a person

If there is no one in your family Or they live far away from you then no worries, we do have another option you can hire some needy person who is looking for a job.

Third party

What is a third party food delivery system/firm/service?
The third party is a bridge between manufacture and consumer, they let a person place an online order through the app or website like(Foodpanda, Eat-Mubarak), the third party will write down customer’s orders and send a message to restaurants to work on client’s orders. When the meal will be prepared the third party will deliver food to the client. Furthermore, you can register yourself with any food delivery party. There are no strings attached. One can simply register with multiple companies and work with them simultaneously.

What is the interest to get your self registered with a food delivery network? Well, most third-party services work online. Consequently, these companies charge a small amount as commission, you are most likely to receive a good number of orders on a daily basis.

What to do and what NOT to do?

Now, most people will tell you all the things you need to do, I am going to tell you the mistakes that you should avoid at all costs.

  • Keep it clean, hygienic and tasty. Do not ever try to save on small things. That is to say, if you do so you will lose the customer that pays for quality.
  • Do not be late in preparing orders. Your delivery services should be excellent. Late delivery is a bad delivery. No matter how perfect is everything else, it will count for nothing if the food is not delivered on time.
  • Do not spend more than you are earning. Do not waste your revenues on things that do not matter. A successful businessman knows the best way and the best place to spend money. If you know what I mean, you are going great.

This was my business idea that you can start with 1000 rupees in Pakistan. If you have something to share with the readers, write in the comments.

Thank you so much for reading the article. We wish to explain the top and the most practicle businesses. The aim is to educate skilled people and those who want to do something to change their lives. Please leave your feedback below. We would love to hear from you.

Umer Atiq
IT Consultant and business analyst. Keeps an interest in the affair that impact business or society.