Pakistanis are bonding together in charitable work to fight against COVID-19

charitable work to fight against COVID-19

Like other countries, Pakistan too is in the grip of coronavirus and is still under lockdown to stop the outbreak of pandemic coronavirus and in these crucial times, Pakistanis come together to offer charity to fight against COVID-19.

As a nation, we might not have a lot, but this nation is with the people of big hearts.

Different charity organizations and foundations are out there for poor and needy people like laborers and daily wage workers in these crises and supporting the government as well.

Feeding poor and needy people under Lockdown

Pakistan is known for the most philanthropic nations and a nation that participates in charitable acts, specifically during the holy month of Ramadan those charitable donations rises higher than normal.

In the past few days, we have seen so much support for daily wage workers and laborers from many volunteer-based groups and organizations all over the country.

People are contributing to charity using social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, distributing Rashan grocery packets, freshly cooked meals, free masks to those in need.

Also read: PM Imran Khan expressed grief over the death of overseas Pakistanis from COVID-19

Many clothing brands start preparing protective suits for medical staff in these extreme situations and will distribute these protective gears to hospitals for free.

Relief operations of big charity organizations

InvestinPak has compiled a list of organizations and welfare foundations who are helping the nation in this hour of need.

When someone talks about charity a name comes in everyone’s mind and that is non-other than the internationally-acclaimed social worker, Abdul Sattar Edhi.

Edhi Foundation

Edhi foundation the largest charity organization of Pakistan is working 24/7 to assist the government in the battle against COVID-19 under  Faisal Edhi’s assistance. They are importing coronavirus testing kits which will be provided to government and charity hospitals in remote areas.

The bulk of ambulances are provided by Edhi foundation to transport the suspected virus patient to the hospitals and quarantine centers all over the country.

Saylani Welfare

Saylani Welfare Trust another countrywide charity has emerged as the key charity, they introduced a mobile phone app and telephone services where poor and needy people can register themselves along with families to get rations and essential groceries.

Adding to this they distribute food twice a day to more than thirty thousand people in the country through 100 plus dastarkwans, most of them in densely populated areas.

Click here for COVID-SELF TEST 

Alkhidmat Foundation

Al-Khidmat foundation planned to establish Isolation centers, emergency medical care. They are providing food to jobless daily wagers at their doorsteps.

Chhipa Welfare

In these hard times, Chhipa is also working as a front line soldier, provided a number of ambulances, distributing ration and basic necessities to underprivileged people also feeding more than thirty thousand poor and daily wagers twice a day.

Alamgir Welfare Trust International

Different teams of Alamgir welfare trust distribute rations and basic necessities among needy ones with the help of donors.

There are many generous people who directly donate to families in need, and distributing rations and meals to daily wagers and laborers.

Early Distribution of Zakat

While the world focused on physical cleanliness in this epidemic coronavirus outbreak and we as a Muslim believes in spiritual cleansing which is called Zakat. With the spread of this deadly virus, many people donated far more than the required 2.5 percent of zakat.

Muslims offer zakat largely during the holy month of Ramadan as spiritual blessings are said to be multiplied in the month of Ramadan.

Chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology and top religious authorities requests nation for the early offering of zakat and urged the rich to give their zakat to alleviate the plight of pandemic COVID-19 as a noble initiative

While people already spend a lot on charity by providing rations to needy people while they are typically distributed during the holy month of Ramadan but due to the outbreak of COVID-19 these early efforts seem to be working.




Umer Atiq
IT Consultant and business analyst. Keeps an interest in the affair that impact business or society.