The Best Fashion Designing Institutes in Pakistan – Investinpak


Pakistan is a developing country. It has managed to list some of its universities among the top educational institutes in the world. However, the number is not impressive yet. Fashion designing has been growing in Pakistan for a few years now. The fashion industry is going through an evolution phase. Most even call it a revolutionary phase as the growth is extremely fast. With the growing need of fashion designers, the institutes that are teaching the subject are emerging. We have compiled a list of best fashion designing institutes in Pakistan.

The list is genuine and we have gathered a lot of data and have interviewed quite a lot of students before writing down the results. If you are fond of fashion designing, you are going to like the information you are about to get.

The Best Fashion Designing Institutes in Pakistan


1- Iqra University

Iqra University is regarded as the top fashion designing institute in Pakistan for many reasons. It has its branches in all the major cities of Pakistan. The institute holds multiple events and workshops for the students in order to provide practical knowledge. The students are required to attend industries before getting the degree.

We have seen that most of the students from Iqra university are working in different fields of fashion design. There are a few bright names in the fashion industry who started their education in this particular subject from Iqra University.


We have heard how brilliant the university is in management sciences. The university also has a clothing and textile department essentially under fashion designing. The education standards are absolutely admirable. The students who graduate from LUMS get picked by the top brands in the fashion industry.

The best thing about the university is the practical methods that the departments provide. The students get to engage in events and seminars where they can practice and display their creativity. If you have ever been to an event in LUMS you will know the reason it lies among the best fashion designing institutes in Pakistan.

3- Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design

The institute is famous for its fashion design courses. It offers a bachelors degree in fashion designing. We have previously described the importance of practically implementing knowledge. This is what Pakistan Institute if Fashion Design is all about. You will be learning things from the teachers and the same will be implemented when such events happen.

It holds a qualified staff and an environment that is essential for the students to become top fashion designers in Pakistan. The university, by all means, stands in the top tier in the list of best fashion designing institutes in Pakistan.

4- Indus University Karachi

The university offers the bachelors degree in Fashion Design, Fine Arts, Textile Design and more. We have received some quality feedback from the students of Indus University Karachi. The institute holds the position 4 among the best fashion designing institutes in Pakistan.

5- Institute of Science and Technology (Szabist)

Szabist holds its branches in many cities. The major courses it offers also include fashion design. We have placed it on number 5 among the best fashion designing institutes in Pakistan. We met with the students of Szabist and learned that the satisfaction level is amazing.

It might be the case with many universities in Pakistan that most students do not get a chance to implement their knowledge. However, these universities including Szabist have a great culture that allows the students to implement their knowledge. This is exactly what makes Szabist a top fashion designing institute.

Also Read:Top Ten Fashion Designers in Pakistan


6- Dadabhoy Institute Of Higher Education Karachi

If you have not heard of the institute before, you must visit them sometime. The institute has a professional staff and is offering multiple courses in fashion designing. We have placed the institute on number six but it can compete with the rest of the institutes in the list of best fashion designing institutes in Pakistan.

7- Jinnah University for Women Karachi

JUW is a fine institute offering excellent courses in fashion design. Karachi is considered the hub of major universities. Thus most of the famous fashion designing institutes are in Karachi or at least have a branch there.

This may be because the city has a grown fashion industry as well. The students who are qualified and talented are highly likely to get hired immediately. Another benefit of fashion designing is that most of these graduates are tilted towards business. They tend to create their own brands and make a living with that. We have seen quite a few students who plan the same after completing a degree in fashion design.

8- NCA

National College of Arts is Pakistan’s famous university. It is famous for arts-related subjects. The institute offers a bachelors degree in fashion designing.

We all know that NCA itself is a brand. It is so popular among the art students that most desire to get an admission there. Those who are accepted are considered lucky. The environment of NCA is amazing for fashion designing students. They hold regular events and workshops that allow the students to participate and display their talent.

9- University of Peshawar

Though the university is not offering the equivalent practical events of the same level as some of the other fashion designing institutes are. But the teaching staff is still making it possible for it to stand among the best fashion designing institutes in Pakistan.

10- The Millinium University College

TMUC has started fresh but the culture they have introduced is admirable. They have a highly qualified staff and have all the facilities that make it a brilliant institute of fashion design.

The list of best fashion designing institutes in Pakistan may continue. There are a lot of universities and colleges that are offering the course. We have only listed the ones that we visited in person. Or have spoken to the students online to get the related feedback. If you wish to continue or to begin study in one of these fashion design institutes, you should have no second thoughts. These are undoubtedly the best fashion designing institutes in Pakistan.



Umer Atiq
IT Consultant and business analyst. Keeps an interest in the affair that impact business or society.