The most resounding character in Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 7 in Urdu will be the second girl of Osman. Particularly because Osman has decided to trust her and use her as an asset against the Tekfoor Nikola.
I have received feedback and a lot of people want to watch Osman getting married again, however, the number of people against it is even bigger. Which one are you?
Watch Part 1

We will see how Yawlak Arsalan is going to make friends among the turk tribes and how osman is going to react to that.
Nikola might use this situation to have a go at osman and he is planning to use falatiyus for it. This might happen exactly at the time when Arsalan Bey is in a Jirga with most of the turk tribes.
We all know that Osman always has a plan that is better and one step ahead of the enemies he has. This episode is going to challenge osman and his plans to become the sole power among the turk tribes and lead them to multiple victories in the future.
Watch Part 2

Do not forget to see what is happening with the Bey of Beys who is working with savchi and Dundar and is also trying to ignore Osman during the process
For example, In the first part of Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 7 in Urdu you will see that Yavlak Arsalan is planning to work together with the rest of the tribes and keep Osman out of it. This way, he will be the sole power to conquer the QILAs that otherwise, Osman is planning to conquer.
This is it guys, no more hints. I want you to watch and go through the rest of it.
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