If you have watched episode 1 of Kurulus Osman season 2, you would now be eagerly waiting to watch the second episode. The war scenes must have grabbed your attention and would have enhanced your interest in the TV serial. This post contains stable links for Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 2 in Urdu Subtitles.
Just one more thing, this episode of the show sparked a huge debate on whether or not Ertugrul Ghazi’s role should have been changed. Let me tell you one thing, it may take some time or some more episodes of Kurulus Osman before you realize that the new character has done justice with the role.
Imagine how would Angin Altan look like being a 60 year old? Well, we were all used to see his dynamic and energetic scenes and a sudden change in his attire would really have made us lose interest in the character. I think that Metin Gunay, the Director of Kurulus Osman has made the right decision.
Without further adieu, let me share the working links of the second episode.
Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 2 in Urdu Subtitle

I would not be a spoiler and talk about this episode before you watch it, but there are a few things that I would like to mention. These are some of the things that I duly noted in Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 2 in Urdu.
The sheik in this season is absolutely mesmerizing. The guy has acted like an oscar winner and the scenes he has are going to take you to a whole new world. Not to forget that the representation of Islamic values among former Muslim leaders is one of the biggest reasons this drama got viral in Pakistan, the sheiks have always been prominent in all seasons.
Want to watch more episodes? Click on the link: Kurulus Season 2 With Urdu Subtitles: Watch Kurulus Osman All Episodes in Urdu
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