Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 10 in Urdu is out and you can watch the episode in high quality on Investinpak. This episode starts with Arsalan Bey’s efforts to bring Osman in partnership with him while Nikola agrees to have peace terms. However, we all know that Nikola does not abide by his own laws and has no value for verbal or written commitments. We also know that Osman Bey has a very good idea of what Nikola plans against him whenever he is involved in so-called peace talks or something similar.
Thus, Osman goes against everyone and attacks KoloChahisar Qila while the others, including Savchi Bey, Dundar Bey, Gunduz Bey, Arsalan Bey, and Nikola are gathered in Arsalan’s tribe to talk about peace. Osman successfully enters and conquers the Qila.
While Targoon companies Osman bey on his quest to conquer the Qila, she couldn’t find her father there. Nikola has already ordered to take her father somewhere else. Targoon’s quest to free her father continues. We also saw Ertugrul Bey getting a bit better and talking to Osman Bey in Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 10 in Urdu.
Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 10 in Urdu

Helen was commanded by Nikola to take care of his palace when he is out, and Falatiyun was commanded by him to take care of Osman as he proceeds to appear for the peace talks. He planned on killing Osman on his way to Arsalan’s tribe. It may seem easier for Nikola, however, Osman bey has this vibe that allows him to see through all these evil plans of Nikola. Thus, he works on what he believes instead of following the commands of his elder brother Savchi Bey or his uncle Dundar Bey.
Part 2 of Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 10 in Urdu might have some unexpected outcomes for the viewers. Savchi Bey and Dundar Bey are planning on arranging a Jirga so that Qai’s new Commander (Sardar) can be elected, or rather selected. Nikola’s right hand, Falatiys on the other end is trying to get a hold of Osman Bey as he goes on a mission in a deserted place. Arsalan Bey will also be targeting Osman Bey in this all new episode of Kurulus Osman Season 2 in Urdu. The final few minutes are thus full of thrill and adrenaline.
Watch More: Kurulus Osman Season 2 in Urdu Subtitles – Watch Kurulus Osman All Episodes in Urdu
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