Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 8 in Urdu brings some of the most thrilling events of the season. The return of Seljan Hatun who happens to have a lot under her sleeves. The episode also has another surprise, the mighty Aigul khatun also returns with her son. She gave birth to a boy and the father is Alishar Bey. Yes! the guy who was killed in a battle against the Qai tribe.
The episode brings a lot more. The fight between some infidels and Seljan Khatun was amazing in every aspect.
Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 8 in Urdu Subtitles

Dundar Bey, the least favorite guy of every Kurulus Osman fan has something up his sleeves. His wife is even more irritating for a lot of people as well. This time around, Dundar has the support of his wife to go along with his Satan plans.
Ertugrul Bey seems to be recovering better. You might see a glimpse of his might in this episode, I am not going to tell more about it since it will ignite some of you 😉
Watch it for yourself. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 8 has the thrill that will grab your attention. How many of you were waiting for the marriage between Osman and Targoon Khatun? Well, you might see some progress in this episode where Targoon Hatun will receive traditional gifts from the women in Qai Tribe.
Geghatu is still around the Qai tribe and we might see some of the scenes where he plans on getting closer to Osman in order to impose bars on his progress.
If you are a fan of the series and liked Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 8 in Urdu you can click on the link below to watch all the episodes of this epic series.
Kurulus Osman Season 2 in Urdu Subtitles – Watch Kurulus Osman All Episodes in Urdu
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