How cool is Jerkotai? the way he mimics Bamsi Bey, the great fighter of Ertugrul Bey. It is always fun watching him, isn’t it? Anyways, Malik and Suleman are here to meet Bamsi. They are going to trick him into a trap set by Nikola. The disguise will be for Osman as a response to what he did to Nikola’s soldiers. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 16 in Urdu begins with Nikola’s new evil plan involving Bamsi, Osman, Malik and Suleman. We will see a new girl entering the Sogut, making friends with Bala Hatun. We will see who is in actual control of this girl.
Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 16 in Urdu – Part 1

While Nikola prepares for a full-fledged war with Osman, he is unaware of Osman’s plans. Osman has sent three of his most eligible soldiers on a mission to explore Qila and make sure that they know all the entrances and exits. This way, QAIs will know where to hit once the real battle begins. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 16 in Urdu is all about making plans to defeat the enemy.
Watch Part 2

A secret plan is only good if it remains a secret. Osman Bey’s soldiers were exposed and were sent to prison by Nikola. Credit goes to Bayoja, Savchi’s son. He followed Osman’s team to the Qila and became a part of the mission. His inexperience brought huge troubles for the rest of the team. I can’t wait for the next episode to see what happens to these soldiers including Bayoja. I am sure Osman Bey and Savchi Bey will have some sort of plan to bring them back home safely. Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 16 in Urdu ends with lots of confusion and questions.
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