Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 12 in Urdu begins with Ertugrul Bey’s strong reappearance after a long bed rest due to his acute illness. Osman Bey and Savchi Bey were fighting outside his Otaak (camp) and he planned to finish it with a bang, Abdur Rehman Bey (Ertugrul’s Friend) already knew the situation as he was the closest to Ertugrul Bey and had planned a jirga gathering to solve these matters.
Targoon had acquired a poisonous drink from Nikola and is planning on killing Qai Sardars (commanders). This might change a lot of things for everyone. We know that the same thing happened once in season 1 of Kurulus Osman but they were saved by Dundar Bey’s second wife.
Ertugrul Bey has also announced that he will soon arrange a jirga and will announce the new commander (Sardar) of the Qai tribe. This has also intrigued Savchi and Dundar and they have started talking about the jirga and the announcement. We are expecting some furious new scenes in Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 12 in Urdu.
Watch Part 1

Nikola has planned to kill Osman Bey by bringing him into a trap set with the help of Targoon Khatun as she is still under his influence. One thing that might have changed is that Targoon is also in Osman Bey’s influence and she has already informed Osman about Nikola’s plans.
We are going to see a battle, a furious one.
While all of these things are going on, Ertgrul Bey has foreseen his end of life and is now trying to leave behind a strong Sardar for Qai tribe. He also visited Halima Sultan’s grave and expressed his eagerness to meet her in the heavens soon. He also called Osman Bey while he visited Halima Sultan’s grave and talked to him about Qai’s future. He also met with the Elders of Turks and spoke to them about Osman’s capabilities and his plans of making him the new KING.
Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 12 in Urdu Watch Part 2

We’ll also see Bamsi Berak in action while he fights Nikola’s men. He soon finds out that Nikola has planned a trap and that he will eventually want to kill everyone. However, we all know how many traps have Bamsi been through in the leadership of Ertugrul Bey. This time, the leader is Osman Bey and Bamsi has become an old yet stronger Tiger. Savchi Bey is going to show his fighting skills and will capture Falatiyus for good. Gunduz Bey stopped him from ending Falatiyus’s life as Osman Needed him alive.
Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode 12 in Urdu begins with Ertugrul Bey’s better health and ends with his life. He leaves Qai Tribe and the world while talking to the jirga about Qai’s new commander. Leaving every single Muslim soul deeply saddened and bewailed.
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