THE LATEST MEDICAL INFO | Taking anti-inflammatory drugs(ibuprofen, cortisone….) could be a factor in worsening the infection. If you have a fever, take paracetamol. Do not stop your treatment! Consult your doctor or your pharmacist.
I remain vigilant? I’m scheduling a teleconsultation? I call +92-300-1111166? Take the test to respond as an informed citizen according to your symptoms.
To check if a medication may pose a potential risk of worsening your symptoms:
Wash your hands very regularly
Cough or sneeze into your elbow or into a tissue
Greet without shaking hands, don’t kiss anyone
Use a disposable tissue and throw it away
Wear a mask if you are sick.
Stay at home , avoid contact with others. Some people spread the virus without feeling the symptoms.
->By the projection of droplets while sputtering
->Face to face for at least 15 min
->Unusual fatigue
->Difficult Feeding
->Cough and sour throat
->Difficulty Breathing
Fever, fatigue, headache, cough and sore throat, body aches, difficulty breathing
If you think you are sick, avoid public places. Do not visit the frail (elderly or sick). Avoid going outside. Respect the barrier measures (hand wash, mask). Monitor your symptoms, changes in your body temperature and seek medical advice.
Answer our assistant’s questions if you think you have symptoms or have been exposed to the virus.
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