UAE first Country to Receive Made-in-Pakistan Smartphones

UAE first Country to Receive Made-in-Pakistan Smartphones

Remember when I shared the news that Pakistan has started smartphone manufacturing with the help of China? I have another good news today, Pakistan has now started exporting smartphones too. Inovi Telecom Pvt Ltd becomes the first Pakistani company to do so. It exported 55,00 4G enabled smartphones to UAE.

Inovi Telecom received a mobile manufacturing authorization license from Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) in April 2021. Within a record time of just four months, the company has started manufacturing and now exporting made-in Pakistan smartphones.

The UAE becomes the first country where Inovi Telecom has shipped its first consignment. Very soon, the company will start exporting to other countries as well, with the tag “made in Pakistan”.

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority congratulated the company for this monumental achievement which is a result of significant efforts for the development of the mobile device manufacturing ecosystem in the country.

This is an authority on so many levels. Technology transfer, local manufacturing boost, jobs creation and boosted exports. All of these will benefit Pakistan in the long run.

Also Read: Pakistan ready to export rice to China- Investinpak

In July, South Korean electronics giant Samsung also signed a deal with Pakistan’s Lucky Group to produce Samsung mobile phones in Pakistan. The production facility is anticipated to be completed by the end of December 2021. On August 10, PTA also issued a license to Lucky Motor for manufacturing Samsung mobile devices.

Samsung followed the MOUs signed by numerous Chinese smartphone manufacturing countries that will be setting up plants in Pakistan in the coming years.

According to data released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the import of mobile phones and other telecom products increased 47 percent during the first 11 months of 2020-21 as value reached $2.337 billion. It was $1.58 billion the previous year. Mobile phone imports accounted for $1.86 billion during the first 11 months of 2020-21. All of these imports can be reduced and rather converted into exports with local manufacturing. Samsung’s entrance will be one of the biggest boosts for this industry.


Umer Atiq
IT Consultant and business analyst. Keeps an interest in the affair that impact business or society.