IPI Letter to PM Imran Khan in favor of MSR’s case

The International Press Institute (IPI), wrote a letter to PM Imran Khan in favor of Meer Shakeel ur Rehman case by NAB. IPI called for the immediate release of MSR as they show serious concern about his case by NAB. In the letter by IPI, it was mentioned that MSR health worsens. On top of that, the high court is rejected his bail while there is no case registered against him yet.

Scott Griffen, the deputy director of IPI wrote in the letter that: “in the time where the independent media in Pakistan is in great pressure of politics and finance. The case on Mr. Meer Shakeel ur Rehman editor-in-chief of Jung Geo group by NAB National Accountability Bureau is alarming.”

In the letter, they said that press media independence is in danger due to some latest developments. IPI urges PM Imran Khan to take quick action to release MSR and to ensure press freedom.

Mr. Meer Shakeel ur Rehman editor-in-chief of Jung Geo Group was arrested in case of more revenue than income by NAB. The investigation is still going on. MSR continuously trying to prove himself innocent. He also applies for bail, but the bail goes rejected by LHC. MSR’s media group also working to run a media campaign in favor of their editor-in-chief, but still, the situation is incompatible for him.

Mr. Meer Shakeel ur Rehman stated that the property he is charged for was bought by a private party 34 years ago. He said that he has provided all the evidence about the property. But the NAB statement is a bit different, they said that the property was illegally given to MSR by former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in 1986. Investigation for the MSR’s case is still in process. MSR and his spokespersons are continuously blaming NAB for a fake case.

According to Jung Geo Group NAB is showing biased behavior. The case against MSR is a severe threat to Journalism and independent media by NAB.

IPI’s letter is an intrusion into Pakistan’s internal affairs, not to mention that the letter should not have been written to PM Imran Khan as the case has been dealt with by NAB and Lahore HIGH COURT, both institutions are independent in their operation. The letter seems to be a direct attack on Pakistan’s judicial and accountability system. It seems that IPI’s strings are being controlled by the notorious envelopes that control most Pakistani so-called journalists.

But still, the condition is not clear, the investigation is in process. We have to wait for the court decision to say MSR is innocent or not.